Are you taking your own headshots / profile photographs at home?
There are 3 things you need to know about lighting...
Phone Headshot - windowlight front on
Phone Headshot - windowlight from side
During the day a larger window should be great (it doesn't even need to be that big just get closer to it!) The closer you get the bigger the window & light coming through it is in proportion to your face.
The bigger the source of the light (here = window) the softer the light = smoother skin!
Just be aware of background! You may need to drape some fabric or masking tape some paper on the wall to hide things like these bathroom tiles featured below.
Choose whether you want to flatten your features with front lighting (face the window) or add definition by standing at a side on angle to the window light entering the room.
Beware: side lighting can both slim or fatten the face depending on how much you turn your face and which side the light is! The answer - play with turning different ways to find a look you like!
Which leads to my next point because sometimes side on causes issues..When bright light cuts across your camera you will get solar flares, haze and/or the camera will read the light wrong and the photo will be edited weirdly. And yes EVERY PHONE edits the photos it gives you! No such thing as #NOFILTER unless you shoot raw (another day or DM for photography 121 lessons!)
Simply move until the effect is pleasing or stops. Back lighting (light behind) you will regularly give this effect in an undesirable way on a phone. But it can also REALLY work!
Phone Headshot - Backlit hazy
When taking a profile or headshot remember to:
1) Find a good natural light source
2) Choose whether you want to stand front on / side lit and preview
3) Check background isn't distracting
4) Preview that image is clear / no light cutting sideways accross camera or confusing it
5) Smile (or pull your best face / desired expression!)
See the photographs back window lit giving haze/glare as the light cuts across the camera .
Why not share your best images or ask any questions below!
Because guess what...
It's not just about the photographs - it is also understanding how to use them and getting seen by the right people in the right places!
Remember I not only offer a headshot service, but if you require help learning to make the most of your camera for business photography (or even for a hobby) I also offer tailored 121 photography training equipping you to not only take better images but:
- take them faster
- understand what sells
- use them more effectively
- use software to help you design graphics/adverts, market and schedule posts
But most importantly get an ROI from your training &/or photography package!
Schedule a call today to find out more about 121 photography and media training from £125